49 Free & Unique Notion Templates [2024]: For Business, Work & Entrepreneurs

Notion is one of the fastest-growing productivity tools on the market. Amongst its enthusiastic community of over 20 million users (up from just 1 million in 2019), you’ll find anyone from indie makers, creators, freelancers and students to CEOs and leaders of globally-known startups.

As a tool that facilitates rich knowledge-sharing, it’s no wonder that Notion templates are one of the most popular means of getting into the platform. In this post, I’ll be sharing 49 free Notion templates you can duplicate and start using in your workspace, right away.

By the way, if you're looking to clean up your own Notion pages and templates, here are some tips that serve me well.

You can browse the list, learn more with the title links, and duplicate directly from the templates linked below. You can also browse, filter and search a growing library of free Notion templates, here.

(While you're at it, you can also check out some handy Notion Widgets to spice up your workspace here: 7 Magical Notion Widgets For 2022)

1. Content Calendar Notion Template

Content planning is easy to get lost in. From repurposing across channels to targeting the right keywords; it's often far easier to simply 'wing it' than to setup a dedicated content plan for success.

Plan and organize your content with this calendar, planner and to-dos workspace.

2. RICE Scoring Framework (Notion Template)

The RICE scoring model is broken down into four sections.

  • Reach: How many people will this feature or product influence or affect?
  • Impact: How weighty will this feature be on important project and business outcomes? (e.g. conversion rates)
  • Confidence: How confident are you in your estimates for Reach and Impact?
  • Effort: How costly or effortful will it be to build this feature or product?

Use this pre-built RICE framework to help you rapidly prioritize product features, projects and initiatives.

3. Customer Journey Mapping Notion Template

Customer journey maps are an essential piece of any marketing or product strategy; but trying to fit them all into one tool/file/place can be... challenging.

Customer journey maps encompass most of what matters to a business. At bottom, they aim to make a few very critical things crystal clear:

A) What your customers really want;

B) Where they are, currently, on their way to getting those things; and

C) Which steps are needed to get them from A to B.

The more detailed you can be about each, the higher your chances of meeting your ideal customer in the right places, with the right tone, and with the right offering.

Use this Notion template to get started on yours.

4. 19 Traction Channels Framework

Building an excellent product is one thing. Gaining traction is quite another. And in Gabriel Weinberg’s famous 2015 bestseller, Traction, he covers 19 of the most popular routes for doing precisely that.

Use this handy Notion template to help implement Gabriel Weinberg's famous framework (author of Traction) for achieving growth in your business.

5. SWOT Analysis Notion Template

A framework that's designed to help you quickly assess key facets of a venture.

Analyzing internal factors is done by looking at 'Strengths' and 'Weaknesses'. External factors, on the other hand, are assessed by looking at 'Opportunities' and 'Threats'. Examples of how you might prompt those discussions include questions like:

Strengths: What do we excel at? What do we do well?

Weaknesses: What are we struggling with? Where are we unable to compete well?

Opportunities: What trends do we see in the broader market that we are well positioned to cash in on?

Threats: What's changing in the market that might affect us negatively? How easy is it for new entrants to join? Do we rely on any platforms that may change their policies?

To help you keep track of it all, duplicate this timeless business strategy framework to your own Notion workspace.

6. Client Portal 2.0

Upgrade your Client Portals in Notion with this 2.0 template. Meetings, shared drive, mood board and more.

Client portals make life easier on all parties involved.Setup yours using this 10-page, interactive client portal template in Notion.

7. Creative Brief Notion Template

A well-written creative brief can be the difference between a delightful collaboration and an overly-drawn-out, costly, unsatisfying nightmare.

And in 2022, there’s really no reason for creative briefs to look exactly as they did 20 years ago. That is, single page word documents—maybe with some images poorly copy-pasted in at low resolution.

Share interactive, clean-cut creative briefs--for clearer project communication all around—with this Creative Brief Notion Template.

8. Financial Models & Calculators Widget

As a business owner, consultant or freelancing--number crunching is part of the game.

Rather than recreate the same old Google Sheet over and over, or refresh your Excel skills, you can leverage a visual tool like Causal to create common models. Forecasts, calculators and projections that can be used time and time again--all that changes are the inputs, as you need them.

This little widget gives you 8 pre-built models to get you started.

  • Subscription Pricing Model
  • Objectives Checker
  • Runway Calculator
  • Leads Calculator
  • Bidding Calculator
  • Freelance Rate Calculator
  • Product Pricing
  • 30-Day Cashflow Chart

Copy the whole block, add it your Notion workspace, and spawn the models you need, in context, in no time at all.

9. Email Marketing Strategy Hub

If you’re looking for a marketing channel that gives you direct access to your audience, relies on trust and relationship-building to see results and isn’t about noise or bells & whistles; then email marketing might just be your best bet.

Plan, write, manage and track your email marketing efforts in this simple, linked Email Hub.

10. Influencer Hub in Notion

Influencer marketing is ever on the rise, and with good reason. People still trust people more than they trust companies--even small (or solo) businesses.

Setup your very own Influencer Management System with just a few clicks. All in Notion.

11. Notion Layouts Generator

Notion is most powerful when used as a builder; as a tool that gives you, the creator, power and flexibility to shape it as you please.

Layouts—how your Notion page is structured—are a key function of this. They can help you:

  • Organize information;
  • Create a clear hierarchy within your page; and
  • Create space and room to breathe.

Generate the Notion page layout you need instantly with these 11 notion layout ideas and template buttons.

12. Notion Landing Page Template

One of Notion’s superpowers is its ease of publishing to the web. Not only can you create anything from docs to relational databases and embedded dashboards—you can publish and share your various wonderful creations with the world with a few simple clicks.

Plan, write and build your landing pages; right inside of Notion with this quickstart template.

13. SEO Starter Kit

Getting started with SEO can feel daunting. All this talk about meta-descriptions, title tags, keywords and backlinking...

The good news is: there are countless excellent resources out there (accessible and simple to understand, too!) to help you find your footing.

Research, plan and get started with SEO with this Notion-built starter kit.

14. Google Analytics Embed

If content and website visitors are at all important to you and your business; chances are, Google Analytics is one of your go-to tools for tracking performance.

Get a real-time view of your website and content performance with this embeddable Google Analytics Dashboard for Notion.

15. Synced Side Menu

Synced blocks make all sorts of things possible in Notion.

One fine example is this nifty Notion side-menu.

Duplicate this component menu, add it to your workspace, then get building with swiftly linked workspaces with a regular 'webapp' feel navigation baked in.

16. Meetings Database

Meetings are part and parcel of running a business; solo, freelance or otherwise.

No matter how despised they might be as a practice; no matter how many memes are concocted about the pointlessness of most meetings; and no matter the general excitement of pivoting to a largely asynchronous, remote working world—the meeting lives on.

That doesn’t mean we can’t be more or less clever about how we run them.

Add this meeting notes database template to your workspace, with pre-written agendas inside.

17. Product Features List

Features are simply elements of your product that serve a function.

For example, in Notion, ‘tables’, ‘timelines’, ‘galleries’ are all (very useful) features. The same will be true for your product.

Typically, the feature selection process begins with ideation. For entrepreneurial business builders like yourself, feature ideas tend to be a-plenty:

‘Oooh! What if I added a community element to the product? 💡’

These are all the Feature ideas, and they shouldn’t be lost to the ether. Instead, add them to the table of Features, then after prioritizing them with the appropriate tag, you can make your final selections.

Hone in on the key features you'd like to include in your digital product with this template & simple framework.

18. Online Course Outline

Outlining an online course or digital product is about understanding: 1) the key content to include; 2) the flow of information delivered; and 3) the mode(s) of delivery you want to adopt.

Start pulling together your ideas for an online course, ebook or digital product with this digital product outline workspace.

19. Objectives, Tasks & Key Projects

Project management is most effective when there are consistent processes in place. As a solo or freelance business owner, you have enough on your plate to think about--and creating a system to stay on track of everything probably isn't going to get the airtime it deserves.

We've built this component to help you:

  • Quickly forecast and ground your business objectives with a Causal, customizable model;
  • Create and add Objectives to a linked Notion database;
  • Create and link projects and campaigns across business areas;
  • Create and track progress on tasks, as they link and relate to key projects and objectives; and
  • Gain a consolidated overview of what's going on in your business, where the priorities lie and what's coming up next.

Try it out 🙂

20. Sales Pipeline

Finding leads is a pain. It's especially painful when you need them, quickly, and don't have an existing pipeline to tap into.

Add new leads management, forecasting and tracking capabilities to your business setup. Fill your pipeline intelligently, know where you time is going and prospect acutely with this consolidated CRM system.

21. Time Tracking Dashboard

Get a clear overview of precisely where your time is going. From productive hours to distractor limits; keep it all consolidated in this integrated, automated Notion dashboard.

22. Proposals & Project Kickoff

From pricing our work, confidently, to giving prospective clients clarity of mind and assurance pre-project; the art of the proposal is an ever-learning process.

Win more bids, save time writing proposals and get your projects setup and initiated in no time, with this Notion Proposals Kit Template.

23. Client Portal: Shared Docs

One of the most important elements of a successful client project is 'being on the same page'.

Client portals help us do that; especially when working asynchronously or remotely.

Use this Client Portal component to help you:

  • Quickly develop, link and share User Personas from a tried and tested template;
  • Research and provide an analysis of key competitors--all in one view;
  • Scope out (or give key reminders) for your client's company mission, vision and brand story;
  • Track, schedule and store calls and meeting notes;
  • Stay on top of WIPs, feedback, project assets, research links and account passwords throughout the project;
  • Link your key project documents like Project Terms, Proposal, NDA and more; and
  • Consolidate all of this into one, neat and non-intimidating Client Portal Dashboard.

24. Digital Product Types

If you’ve already entered the rabbit hole and are thinking of building your very own digital product, it won’t be long before you bump into the question:

“Okay, but what exactly will it look like?”

Use this template selector to help you figure it out.

25. Brand Positioning Notion Template

Our positioning serves as a summary answer to the question:

Where do we (and our product) fit within our chosen market?

If we position ourselves well, our customers will begin to recognize our product as solving a specific problem.

Often, that specific problem lives at the intersection of two key factors; as we’ll explore in the Positioning board exercise.

26. 30-Day Cashflow Template (with Google Sheets)

When you get into this freelancing/solopreneurship/creator economy game, thinking 12 months ahead, financially, isn’t often a luxury at hand.

Instead, research tells us that 63% of freelancers describe themselves as ‘financially unstable’. This isn’t just from unpredictable income sources, unexpected cancellations and varying demand; one contributing factor of the instability is simply a level of clarity on one’s financial situation.

Get a daily breakdown of cash in bank, revenue and expenses with this Google Sheets cash flow forecaster template.

27. Product Pricing Calculator

Use this calculator and the prompts included to help figure out whether or not it's worth investing the time into building your own digital product.

28. Notion Budget & Finances Hub

Staying on top of your money has typically been a job for spreadsheets and physical notebooks. Spreadsheets are, however much you try to spruce them up and make them pretty, rather dull and boring creations. Enter: Notion.

This Budgeting & Finances Hub makes full use of colored boards and grouped tables to help you quickly (and visually) breakdown common spending and earning groups. You can see your expenses grouped by category, break them down by status, and even view upcoming items in a calendar view.

While it's packed with formulas and filtered dashboards, this system feels lean and simple with just 5 main pages to navigate, and a simple way to archive past items.

If you're planning your finances and budget in Notion, you'll want to give this one a closer look.

29. Freelance Rate Calculator

Pricing is one of the most underrated skills of running a freelance or client-based business. It’s literally the fastest and simplest way to double (or cut) your earnings in under 5 minutes.

Use this freelance rate calculator to explore how much you should be charging per hour for your work, your freelance day rate (and plenty more).

30. Brainstorming & Ideation Workspace

Give your brainstorming efforts a little extra juice with this Notion brainstorming template.

31. Client On-boarding Template

First impressions matter. And when it comes to client on-boarding, having a clear and efficient system in place can make all the difference.

Reduce the back-and-forth, speed up your client onboarding processes and give them something to remark on with this 4-database Notion client portal.

32. Brand Story, Mission & Vision

There are 5 key questions that drive the Brand Story exercise.

  • Which story are you in?
  • Which are the driving forces?
  • What's wrong with the current story?
  • What's the change you'd like to make?
  • What defines the character needed?

By spending some time with each of these questions, we can begin to formulate our Mission, Vision and Story, as guided in the template linked.

33. Competitor Analysis Template

No business exists in a vacuum. Whether it's for your own business, or as part of a client project, understanding the competitive landscape is an essential piece of any business strategy.

Speed up competitor research with this pre-built database and competitor profile templatev.

34. Use Cases Template

Being highly specific about the scenarios in which your customer will use your product or service can open up all sorts of new tangential ideas and initiatives. Use cases let you see the customer journey from a specific scenario, and can help you understand how different customer types might interact with your product.

Use this template to help you keep track of your customers’ key scenarios and actions.

35. User Persona Template

While it may not be high on your priority list, even simply sketching an outline of your target persona can help you focus your messaging and efforts significantly.

If you’d like to start using this framework, along with a system for storing and linking information across business areas, you can use the personas workspace here.

36. Client Project Kickoff Documents

Save time on project kickoff and setup. In this block you'll find a Project Agreement, Bilateral NDA and Invoicing Template to get you started.

37. Project Proposal Template

Writing proposals is a pain. Save yourself some time with this pre-built project proposal template and workspace.

38. Bidding Calculator

Use this Causal model to help make more informed bids on your next project proposal.

39. Introductory Call Agenda

To prepare for the call, you'll want to do some basic research on the prospective client. This can be specific to your business and offering, but some common useful points to research might be:

  • Review their website (can take this from the CRM);
  • Sketch out what their key pain points might be;
  • Review any key competitors, if appropriate;
  • Scope out a rough project outline for this prospect, or the project you'd like to aim for on the call;
  • Timeline, Budget range; and
  • Key Outcomes.

Try it for yourself.

40. Key Metrics & Tools

Objectives and goals aren't much help without associated metrics. Add this block to give your workspace some common key metrics and data source functionality.

41. Task Manager

Keep track of all actions, tasks and to-dos, while linking them with key projects, campaigns and business objectives in your Notion workspace.

42. Simple Notion Project Management Template

If you're using Notion for work, freelancing or passion projects, it doesn't have to be overwhelming. It should still feel like a personal, enjoyable space to get things done in--and I like this project management system for precisely that reason.

The template uses a focused side menu to host your 'Projects', 'Tasks', and 'Archive' pages, along with a few little Notion superpowers to make project planning simple. You can quickly generate new Project pages with the '+ New Project View' button, then drag tasks from the side toggle menu into a specific project timeline.

Often, Notion can get a bit messy when you add more and more projects or tasks over time. This template includes a simple Archive section to keep everything clean and tidy--no matter how much work you're getting done :)

You can get the template for free, here.

43. Objectives Checker

We've all read or heard about the importance of goal setting. From the countless methods and frameworks to inspiring stories of entrepreneurs who wrote down their goals and eventually ticked off everything on their lists; by now there's a widespread appreciation for the value of goal setting, as an exercise.

Let's take a slightly more rigorous and grounded approach to goal and objectives setting as a freelance or solo business owner and operator, with this calculator and objectives checker.

44. CRM Dashboard Visuals

While you're busy collecting and contacting leads, it can be easy to lose sight of larger trends. Use these simple visual models to help breakdown the makeup of your CRM and contacts.

45. Leads Forecasting

The number one listed struggle (38%) of freelancers is 'getting enough clients'. This should be a familiar feeling to any solo business, consultant or freelancer reading--even if you're doing well.

Calculate and model how many leads you'll actually need to go out and generate.

46. Prospecting Calculator

Forecast how much time goes into non-billable activities like prospecting, writing proposals and what that all means for gathering enough leads each month.

47. Contact Info Template

Lead properties, types, sources and the basics of what to collect about your leads.

48. Notion CRM

Whether it's managing personal relationships or work contacts, one of the fastest ways to build your very first app-like workspace in Notion is by creating a CRM. A CRM is just a marketing acronym of 'Customer Relationships Management'; but it really just refers to any system to help you keep track of your contacts, the people you know and those you're trying to get in touch with.

This Notion CRM setup lets you go a bit further than just store contacts in a database though. With it, you can create focused segments, lists and pipelines--letting you get very specific about your network.

There's also a section for Meetings; if you're using this for more personal catch-ups and coffees, you can use this calendar to schedule live events, video calls or hang-outs.

A very clean and minimal setup that packs a punch with many of Notion's advanced features--if you're managing your contacts and network in Notion, give this one a try :)

49. Prospecting Tools

Calculating how many leads you'll need, and how much effort is needed to get them, is an important first step. But it would be a bit incomplete to not mention a couple of useful tools to help boost your lead searching efforts.

Take a look at some common prospecting tools and add the gallery to your setup.


I can confidently say that Notion has completely changed the way I run my business. I’m sharing these 49 free Notion templates because I hope they can help you better run yours—you can browse the list, learn more with the links, and duplicate directly from the template links above. Or, you can also browse the full growing library here.

Happy business building 🙂


Gerrard + Bizway AI Assistant

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110+ unique Notion business templates to extend your Notion workspaces. Try out our free collection of Notion templates with the button below. Or, for access to the full advanced library, check out our All Access Bundle.

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💡 What is a Notion OS? Notion OS templates are ready-made workspaces that have been designed for specific business types. You can always customize your Notion OS further with individual components--but your OS should serve as your base hub, with the fundamental structure you need to run a business in Notion.

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