Brand Ambassadors Hub

Brand Ambassadors Hub

Landmark's Brand Ambassador Hub template is designed to streamline the management of your brand ambassador program. With this template, you can effectively onboard new ambassadors, set expectations, track performance, and manage payouts. Below is a detailed guide on each of the six pages included in the template.

Page 1: Onboarding New Ambassadors

The first step to a successful brand ambassador program is to properly onboard new ambassadors. This page provides:

  • Program Overview: A concise summary of the ambassador program, including its purpose and benefits to the ambassadors.
  • Timeline: A visual timeline that outlines critical dates and milestones in the onboarding process, ensuring ambassadors know what to expect.

Using the Onboarding Page

Utilize this page to introduce new ambassadors to your program. Encourage them to read through the overview and refer to the timeline for important deadlines.

Page 2: Outline Role and Expectations

This page clearly defines what is expected from brand ambassadors. It includes:

  • Ambassador Responsibilities: A detailed description of tasks and involvement.
  • Expectations: Clear guidelines on performance metrics and communication protocols.

How to Use This Page

Share this page during the onboarding process to ensure that all ambassadors have a clear understanding of their roles and are aligned with your brand’s goals.

Page 3: Feedback Database

This page includes a Notion database in gallery view for ambassadors to provide feedback about your company. Features include:

  • Feedback Questions: Pre-defined questions to facilitate structured feedback.
  • Gallery View: An easy-to-navigate space where feedback can be viewed and assessed at a glance.

Gathering Feedback

Encourage ambassadors to provide their insights regularly. This feedback can be invaluable for improving your brand and the ambassador program itself.

Page 4: Tracking Promotions and Content

This page is dedicated to tracking the promotions and content that brand ambassadors post. It allows you to:

  • Monitor Posts: Keep track of what ambassadors share and when.
  • Evaluate Impact: Assess which promotions are most effective in driving engagement and conversions.

Effective Tracking

Regularly check this page to evaluate the marketing efforts of ambassadors and to provide support or guidance as necessary.

Page 5: Payout Terms Discussion

This page covers the payout terms for ambassadors who successfully refer customers to your business. It includes:

  • Payout Structure: Detailed explanations of how payout amounts are calculated based on performance.
  • Conditions: Clear conditions under which ambassadors can expect their payouts.

Clarifying Payouts

Use this page to ensure that ambassadors fully understand the compensation structure, which helps in maintaining transparency and motivation.

Page 6: Tracking Referrals and Reward Payouts

The final page is essential for tracking referrals and calculating reward payouts. This includes:

  • Referral Tracking: Keeping tabs on which ambassadors are bringing in customers.
  • Reward Payout Tracking: Monitoring payout amounts and ensuring timely payments.

Managing Tracking Effectively

This page should be updated regularly to maintain accurate records of referrals and rewards, ensuring that ambassadors are rewarded promptly for their efforts.


Utilizing Landmark's Brand Ambassador Hub template effectively can lead to a well-organized ambassador program that drives growth and engagement for your business. Each page serves a unique purpose that aligns with the overall mission of enhancing your brand's reach through trusted relationships. Make sure to revisit and update these pages as your program evolves, ensuring that your ambassadors are supported and your expectations remain clear.

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