Notion Shortcuts: Cheat Sheet & Template Guide (2024)

Notion Shortcuts Cheat Sheet
Notion Shortcuts

If you spend a lot of time in Notion (like me), it's worth knowing your way around the keyboard. Since so much of Notion's functionality is packed in the '/' command, learning your shortcuts can significantly speed up how you move around and create things in your workspace.

In this component, you'll get a grouped table with all of Notion's shortcut commands--along with a description of what each does (and sometimes in which context!).

Notion Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

Here are some of the most commonly used shortcuts in Notion:

Shortcut Description
cmd/ctrl + N Create a new page (desktop apps only)
cmd/ctrl + shift + N Open a new Notion window (desktop apps only)
cmd/ctrl + P Open search or jump to a recently viewed page
cmd/ctrl + [ Go back a page
cmd/ctrl + ] Go forward a page
cmd + shift + K or ctrl + K Go to the previous database page in database peek view
cmd + shift + J or ctrl + J Go to the next database page in database peek view
cmd/ctrl + shift + L Toggle between dark mode and light mode

You can also use shortcut keys to format your text:

Shortcut Description
** Bold text
* Italicize text
``` Create inline code
~ Strikethrough text

You can also create lists and headings using the following shortcuts:

Shortcut Description
* followed by space Create a bulleted list
[] followed by space Create a to-do checkbox
1., a., or i. followed by space Create a numbered list
# followed by space Create an H1 heading
## followed by space Create an H2 sub-heading
### followed by space Create an H3 sub-heading
> followed by space Create a toggle list
" followed by space Create a quote block

Here are some more advanced shortcuts you can use in Notion:

Keyboard Shortcut Description
cmd/ctrl + option/shift + 0 Create text
cmd/ctrl + option/shift + 1 Create an H1 heading
cmd/ctrl + option/shift + 2 Create an H2 heading
cmd/ctrl + option/shift + 3 Create an H3 heading
cmd/ctrl + option/shift + 4 Create a to-do checkbox
cmd/ctrl + option/shift + 5 Create a bulleted list
cmd/ctrl + option/shift + 6 Create a numbered list
cmd/ctrl + option/shift + 7 Create a toggle list

You can duplicate the full Notion file linked, add it to your own workspaces and reference it whenever you need it!

Next block in this ability stack →
Notion Templates Library

Notion Components Library

110+ unique Notion business templates to extend your Notion workspaces. Try out our free collection of Notion templates with the button below. Or, for access to the full advanced library, check out our All Access Bundle.

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💡 What is a Notion OS? Notion OS templates are ready-made workspaces that have been designed for specific business types. You can always customize your Notion OS further with individual components--but your OS should serve as your base hub, with the fundamental structure you need to run a business in Notion.

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