Notion AI Workflow Builder

Automation Workflow Builder
Notion AI

If you're looking to save time and streamline your workflows, the latest update to Notion AI has unlocked powerful new automation capabilities. Imagine turning Notion AI from a generic chatbot into a personalized, intelligent assistant that handles repetitive tasks for you—without the need for external integrations like Zapier or Make.

That's exactly what you can achieve by building your own automations using Notion AI. In this article, we'll break down how you can set up customized workflows within Notion to automate tasks like customer support replies, content creation, keyword research, and more.

Introducing the Notion AI Workflows System

Available now on Landmark Labs, the Notion AI Workflows System empowers you to automate repetitive tasks directly within Notion. This system leverages three key components:

  1. Inputs: Variable data that changes with each use of the workflow, such as customer emails, keywords, or article topics.
  2. Instructions: Specific directives stored in an Instructions Database that guide Notion AI on how to process the inputs.
  3. Background: Reference materials stored in a Docs Database that provide context and examples to enhance the AI's output.

If you're seeking a comprehensive solution to manage your business, consider the Notion Business OS, which includes this Workflows System alongside a suite of other powerful tools.

Workflow Breakdown

To harness the full potential of Notion AI for automation, you'll need to set up a structured workflow. Here's how the components work together:

  • Inputs: The dynamic element you provide each time you run the workflow.
  • Instructions: Predefined prompts that tell Notion AI what to do with the input.
  • Background: Contextual documents that Notion AI references to produce accurate and personalized results.

Let's explore how to set up each component and see them in action.

Step 1: Setting Up the Instructions Database

Begin by creating an Instructions Database in Notion. This will store all your custom instructions for various tasks.

  • Create a New Instruction: Click "New" in your Instructions Database.
  • Name the Instruction: For example, "Customer Support Reply Instruction" or "SEO Article Instruction."
  • Define the Directive: Write clear and concise instructions that Notion AI will follow. For instance, "Craft a personalized customer support email response referencing the provided background information."

Step 2: Creating the Docs Database

Next, set up a Docs Database to house all background materials that provide context to Notion AI.

  • Add Background Documents: Include any relevant information, such as product details, example responses, company policies, or content samples.
  • Organize by Category: Group documents by their use case, like "Customer Support Templates," "Content Examples," or "Business Information."

Step 3: Building the Workflows Database

With your instructions and background in place, create a Workflows Database to tie everything together.

  • Set Up a Workflow Template: Design a template that includes sections for Inputs, Instructions, and Background.
  • Link Instructions and Background: In your workflow, reference the appropriate instruction and background documents using the "@" mention feature in Notion.
  • Customize Inputs: Add an input field where you'll enter variable data each time you run the workflow.

Example Workflows in Action

Let's look at how these components come together in real-world scenarios.

1. Automating Customer Support Replies

  • Input: The customer's email or inquiry.
  • Instruction: "Craft a customer support response referencing the provided background."
  • Background: A document containing product FAQs, company policies, and example responses.

How It Works: When you receive a customer inquiry, input their message into the workflow. Notion AI uses your instruction and background documents to generate a personalized, accurate response that aligns with your company's tone and policies.

2. Generating SEO Articles

  • Input: An article title or keyword.
  • Instruction: "Write a comprehensive SEO article on the provided topic, following the style of the content example."
  • Background: A sample article that reflects your desired writing style and structure.

How It Works: Input your chosen topic, and Notion AI produces an SEO-optimized article draft that matches your style guidelines, saving you hours of writing time.

3. Conducting Keyword Research

  • Input: A broad topic or niche.
  • Instruction: "Brainstorm 25 long-tail keywords related to the provided topic."
  • Background: Existing keyword lists or SEO guidelines.

How It Works: Provide a topic like "Notion AI," and Notion AI generates a list of relevant keywords to expand your SEO strategy.

Step 4: Running the Workflows

To execute a workflow:

  1. Copy the Workflow Content: Highlight the entire workflow content, including Inputs, Instructions, and Background.
  2. Paste into Notion AI: Click into a new Notion AI block and paste the content.
  3. Run Notion AI: Activate Notion AI to process the workflow and generate the output.

Tips for Effective Automation

  • Customize Instructions: Tailor your instructions to be as specific as possible for better results.
  • Update Background Documents: Regularly refresh your background information to ensure Notion AI has the most current data.
  • Combine Multiple Instructions and Backgrounds: For complex tasks, you can reference multiple instructions and background documents in a single workflow.

Why This Approach Transforms Notion AI

By leveraging Inputs, Instructions, and Background, you're providing Notion AI with the context it needs to produce highly accurate and personalized outputs. This method elevates Notion AI from a generic assistant to a powerful tool customized for your business needs.

Benefits Include:

  • Time Savings: Automate repetitive tasks and focus on higher-level work.
  • Consistency: Maintain a uniform tone and style across communications and content.
  • Scalability: Easily expand your workflows to cover new tasks as your business grows.

Take Your Automation to the Next Level

Implementing this system can revolutionize how you work with Notion AI. It's especially beneficial for tasks that require consistency and personalization. Whether you're handling customer inquiries, generating content, or conducting research, these workflows can save you significant time and effort.

For those who prefer a ready-made solution, the Notion Business OS includes the Workflows System along with other robust business management tools like content planning, project management, task tracking, financials, and KPI dashboards with charts. Learn more about Notion Business OS here.

Additionally, the Workflows Builder is available through the Landmark Labs Components Library. It's part of the paid all-access section, offering a collection of valuable tools you can integrate into your existing Notion workspace.


The recent updates to Notion AI have opened up new possibilities for automation within Notion. By creating custom workflows that combine Inputs, Instructions, and Background, you can transform Notion AI into a personalized assistant that streamlines your tasks and boosts productivity.

Start building your own automations today and experience the difference. Whether you construct the system yourself or opt for the ready-to-use solutions like Notion Business OS, the benefits are substantial.

Get Started Now

  • DIY Approach: Follow the steps outlined in this article to create your own automation workflows within Notion.
  • Use Notion Business OS: For an out-of-the-box solution, get Notion Business OS here.
  • Explore More Tools: Visit Landmark Labs for additional resources and templates to enhance your Notion experience.

Unlock the full potential of Notion AI and take control of your workflows today!

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💡 What is a Notion OS? Notion OS templates are ready-made workspaces that have been designed for specific business types. You can always customize your Notion OS further with individual components--but your OS should serve as your base hub, with the fundamental structure you need to run a business in Notion.

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