Notion for Landlords: Ultimate Guide (2024)

Landlords often need to handle multiple responsibilities, from property management to tenant relations and financial oversight. Notion emerges as an invaluable tool for streamlining these tasks and maintaining meticulous records. Let's explore the ultimate guide to using Notion for landlords to manage real estate investments efficiently.

Ways To Use Notion For Landlords

  • Tenant Management: Keep track of tenant information, lease agreements, and rental payment history in one centralized location.
  • Maintenance Log: Document property maintenance requests, scheduled repairs, and upkeep activities to ensure the longevity of your investments.
  • Financial Tracking: Monitor expenses, mortgage payments, and rental income, providing a clear financial picture of your property portfolio.

Best Notion Templates For Landlords

  • Notion Project Management Template: Manage renovations and property improvements with structured project tracking to ensure timely and on-budget completion. Plan your property projects using Project Management Template.
  • Notion CRM Template 2.0: A CRM setup in Notion can help maintain tenant relationships, log communications, and manage potential leads for property rentals. Build better tenant relations at CRM Template 2.0.
  • Notion Budget & Finances Hub: Control your property finances with an all-in-one template to track rent payments, expenses, and profitability. Keep your finances organized with Budget & Finances Hub.

Key Notion Features For Landlords

  • Custom Databases: Use Notion's databases to create custom tables for tracking properties, tenants, and contractors.
  • Calendar Integration: Plan and oversee rental payment schedules, property inspections, and lease renewals alongside your personal calendar.
  • Document Storage: Store critical documents such as lease agreements, inspection reports, and invoices for easy access and reference.

Tips & Best Practices Using Notion For Landlords

Ensure your Notion databases are regularly updated with the latest tenant communications and property statuses. Keep sensitive information secure with appropriate privacy settings. Utilize Notion's sharing capabilities for collaborative tasks such as tenant applications or team communication.


  • Q: Is Notion suitable for storing legal documents associated with rental properties? A: Notion can store documents, but always ensure they are backed up securely and comply with privacy laws.
  • Q: Can I use Notion to communicate with tenants? A: Notion isn't designed as a communication platform, but you can use it to store communication records and summaries.
  • Q: How can Notion help with multi-property management? A: Notion's customizable databases enable the tracking and managing of several properties in one view, streamlining multi-property oversight.


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💡 What is a Notion OS? Notion OS templates are ready-made workspaces that have been designed for specific business types. You can always customize your Notion OS further with individual components--but your OS should serve as your base hub, with the fundamental structure you need to run a business in Notion.